JuSkills language trainings

Nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréningek a magabiztos üzleti kommunikációért

Instead of regular language classes, intensive language and professional skills development in 1-2 training days, with 100% target language usage and  experiential training methods.

JuSkills nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréningek

What does language training provide?

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Replaces lengthy learning

By delving deeper into a topic, we make spectacular progress and make rapid progress. Language expressions are practised outside the daily workflow, so learning is almost imperceptible.

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Confident language use

We deepen and practise the language in challenging, game-based, work-related tasks. This makes it easy and immediate to transfer into daily work and ensures that confident language use is sustained. This is superpower!

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Maintenance and improvement

Language training provides an experience, contributes to employee retention and supports the development of managers. Language skills development is part of a conscious employee brand.

Who do we recommend?

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

In English or German

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Groups of 4-10 people


1 or 2 training days

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

online or in-person

Our partners who provide this training to their employees:

We focus on 4 key areas

We help develop the professional and linguistic skills required in a business environment for confident leadership in all communication situations.

What is a language skills training course like?

Business skills and work efficiency

They replace the longer-term learning

Measurable progress, learning experience

Intense, speech-focused improvement

Aim for a confident business communication

Üzleti nyelvezet a napi munkához

Steps to organise a training

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Assessment of needs

Preliminary company needs assessment, setting training objectives with the manager concerned in an online meeting.

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Training customisation

Determine the length, topics and specific requests of the training sessions.

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Delivery of the training

The language assessment and preliminary communication is already done by our trainer, so you will be familiar with him/her.

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Discussion of the final results, trainer's evaluation, sending the report.

The language skills training aims to

To promote participants' confidence and effectiveness at work through active, experiential learning. Make individual, team and client communication more successful through positive learning experiences.

The result of the language skills training

Language superpower! After our training, language barriers will dissolve, participants' communication strategies will improve significantly, they will speak with more useful expressions and greater confidence. We also develop professional skills and experiential learning strengthens teams and retention.

Our methodology

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Business language for daily work

We focus on real, practical business situations and practise the key vocabulary needed for participants' daily work, with the aim of fluent, confident communication. With e-learning practice, the vocabulary learned can be practised for a further 3 months.

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Interactive and conversation-oriented

With 100% target language use and 90% participant activity, the focus is on developing speaking skills. We also spend time talking through and practising real-life examples from participants' work through interactive pair and small group training exercises, game-based project tasks.

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

Business skills and work efficiency

A beszédhelyzetek, szimulációk gyakorlása során megerősödnek az olyan üzleti kompetenciák is, mint a stratégiai gondolkodás, tárgyalástechnika, időgazdálkodás, döntéshozatal. A tréning csapatépítő és motivációs hatása mellett felfrissült tudással állnak a résztvevők a mindennapi üzleti kihívások elé.

nyelvi készségfejlesztő tréning

E-learning material

1000+ German, English or Hungarian business micro-lessons developed in-house web app.

Juventus Language Group - online jelentkezési felület vállalati nyelvtanfolyamokhoz

Online application form

Participants complete the language assessment test and select their preferred training dates.

Our innovative solutions

Our digital solutions make the training process simple and efficient.

Which language skills training are you interested in?

I have read and accept Juventus Language Group's Terms of Use.

Contact us to discuss how you can improve your teams.

Our aim is to provide a lasting learning experience at both individual and organisational level, and to ensure that the cost of training is a return on investment for our partners. We focus on our clients' objectives and work in partnership with them to provide tailor-made solutions to their training needs.

Black Friday kedvezmények 2024

Angol nyelvű készségfejlesztő tréningek 30% kedvezménnyel